TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS No: 105-56-6 Ethyl cyanoacetate, including chemical name, synonyms, structure, formula, application etc, and also offers price quotation on CAS No: 105-56-6 Ethyl cyanoacetate different grades. If you want to buy Ethyl cyanoacetate, please feel free to contact
Ethyl cyanoacetate CAS 105-56-6 is an organic compound that contains a carboxylate ester and a nitrile. It is a colourless liquid with a pleasant odor. This material is useful as a starting material for synthetic due to its variety of functional groups and chemical reactivity.
Appearance Colorless liquid
Purity, % ≥99.00
Water, % ≤0.1%
Density 1.063 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
Molecular Weight 113.11
Melting point -22°C
Boiling point 208-210 °C(lit.)
Flash point >230 °F
Storage conditions Store below +30°C.
Stablilty Water: 20 g/L (20 ºC)
1.Used as a pharmaceutical intermediate for caffeine and vitamin B, as well as oil-soluble color couplers for color films and raw materials for 502 adhesives
2.For organic synthesis, pharmaceutical industry, dye industry.
200 kg per plastic drum
Storage & Handling
Store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area away from heat ,open flames, organic chemicals, and light.
Always refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information on handling and disposal.